Statistics & Stats
The statistics and stats pages provide detailed analysis of applications within institutions, facilitated by filters for specific criteria. They display a list of institutions whose applications align with these criteria and offer a summary of application counts within these institutions, categorized by status.
The statistics/stats pages use a range of filtering criteria, applying an and condition between each criterion. This means the displayed statistics are refined based on the intersection of these filter criteria, ensuring only data that meets all selected conditions is shown.
- Academic Year: Narrows down institutions based on the academic years of applications, with an option for All years.
- Semester: Filters institutions by the semester of applications, with a choice to select All for all semesters.
- Creator: Refines institutions by the creator of the applications. A multi-select option; leaving it blank counts as all selected.
Creator Type: Filters institutions by the type of creator (agent, direct, employee).
- 'Agent' indicates creators belonging to the
main agents
group with ID 5 orsub agents
with ID 20. - 'Direct' signifies applications created directly through the website (identified by the
column inapplications
table holding the
), - while all others are considered employees.
- 'Agent' indicates creators belonging to the
- Updated from & Updated to: Filters institutions by the timeframe in which applications were updated.
- Commission Status: Filters institutions by the commission status of applications, with options including Pending, Partially Paid, Fully Paid, Postponed, Rejected, or All for all commission statuses.
- University Country: Filters institutions by the country of the university, with a multi-select option where leaving it blank counts as all selected.
- CL1: Filters institutions by applications assigned to a specific user as a CL1 (Consultant Level 1), with a multi-select option that can be left blank for all selected.
- CL2: Filters institutions by applications assigned to a specific user as a CL2 (Consultant Level 2), with a multi-select option that can be left blank for all selected.
Both the Statistics and Stats pages feature tables listing institutions alongside a summary of applications per institution, categorized by status. Additionally, an extra column in each table indicates the total number of applications for each institution. The tables also include a footer that provides vertical summations of each status across all institutions. The Statistics page offers a comprehensive view with all possible statuses, while the Stats page presents a condensed version, including only a select number of statuses.
Statistics Columns
The statistics page features a table where the first column displays the institution name, and the subsequent columns present the counts of applications in various statuses. The columns are as follows:
- #: Holds the institution's ID.
- University: Displays the institution name, which is clickable and directs to the institution's detail page.
- Total Apps: Summarizes the total number of applications at that institution.
- Total Paid: Aggregates the counts from statuses indicating payments (Paid, Awaiting Final Acceptance, Final Acceptance, Awaiting Student Card, Completed).
- Pending Review, Awaiting App Fees Payment, Awaiting Conditional Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance, Awaiting Payment, Paid, Awaiting Final Acceptance, Final Acceptance, Awaiting Student Card, Completed, Invalid, Already Registered, Paid Another, Refused, Awaiting Student, Refund Request (Visa Rejected), Refund Request (Other), Refunded, Freeze, Free Scholarship, 100% Scholarship, Cancelled, Quota Full, Student Duplicated: Each of these columns contains the count of applications in the corresponding status for the institution in that row.
Each column following the "University" name is interactive, enabling users to click and individually view applications according to their specific status. Additionally, the table's footer provides a vertical summation of applications for each status, offering a comprehensive overview of the data across all institutions.
Stats Columns
The stats page mirrors the structure of the statistics page but is streamlined to include fewer columns. It features the following columns:
- #: The ID of the institution.
- University: The name of the institution, clickable for detail view.
- Total Apps: The total number of applications for the institution.
- Pending Review: Count of applications pending review.
- Awaiting App Fees Payment: Number of applications awaiting application fee payment.
- Awaiting Conditional Acceptance: Applications awaiting conditional acceptance.
- Conditional Acceptance: Applications that have received conditional acceptance.
- Awaiting Payment: Applications awaiting payment.
- Paid: Applications where payment has been made.
- Awaiting Final Acceptance: Applications awaiting final acceptance.
- Awaiting Student: Count of applications awaiting student action.
- Invalid: Applications marked as invalid.
- Already Registered: Applicants already registered.
- Quota Full: Applications not accepted due to full quotas.
- Freeze: Applications on hold or frozen.
This condensed view still allows users to click through and view applications on a status-by-status basis, focusing on key stages of the application process.