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Students Management


Student management within OTAS is centered around the 'students' table and its relationships with other tables, which together capture the multifaceted aspects of a student's profile and academic journey. Here's a breakdown of the related tables and their connections:


Students ERD

The ERD for student management in OTAS depicts a simplified network of relationships focusing on the students entity:

  • OC_Users: This entity represents user accounts within the system. There are multiple types of relationships between OC_Users and students:

    • Each student has a one-to-one relationship with an OC_User account, likely representing the student's own user account within the system.
    • There is also a relationship for the creator user, which is probably the staff member or administrator who entered the student into the system, suggesting a one-to-many relationship where a single user can create records for multiple students.
  • Students: This is the central entity representing the individual student profiles. Students have associations with countries and academic years:

    • The relationship with countries is multifaceted, encompassing nationality, country of residence, and country code for phone numbers. For simplicity, this is represented as a single "has" relationship in the ERD, though in practice, there would be separate attributes or perhaps related tables to capture these distinct relationships.
    • The relationship with academic years indicates the time-related aspects of a student's education journey, such as enrollment year, current academic year, or expected year of graduation.
  • Countries: This entity details the various countries that are relevant to the student's profile. Each student is associated with a country in several ways, which, although simplified in the ERD, indicates the importance of geographical data in the student's records.

  • Academic Years: This entity indicates the academic periods or cycles that are linked to the students. The relationship suggests that each student is associated with one or more academic years throughout their education.

In summary, the ERD shows that students are at the heart of the system, with their profiles intricately linked to user accounts for management purposes and to countries and academic years, which define their demographic and academic contexts.